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Year 5

Welcome to our class ~ Year 5,

Mrs Fawett makes us strive

to get our work done

and have lots of fun

so together we can learn and thrive!



Scavenger Hunt

Year 5 created woodland scavenger hunt boxes using egg boxes and created a help sheet for year 1 to follow.  We enjoyed watching our boxes in action and talked about how they might be different over through the seasons.

3d Shape - woodland style

We enjoyed working individually and in small groups to create 3d shapes.  We had to think about all the properties of shape as well as how to make our structures stand.  Some of us were more successful than others.

Woodland Learning

On Monday we ventured into a new area of our school grounds - the woodland.  We begun exploring the area by finding out what trees we have by using a leaf identification chart.

The Highwayman

In literacy we are investigating the narrative poem The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes.  We have explored the poem from the point of view of the characters and created some freeze frames to show their feelings at various points of the story.

Mayan Inspired Cooking

In history we have been studying The Maya.  We have researched what foods they ate then used this to design our own tortilla filling.  We tried making corn tortillas ( The Maya dies consisted mainly of corn)  however the dough was a disaster so we ended

up buying some wheat tortilla.  Our ingredients included avocado, chilli, turkey, venison, tomato, sweet potato and duck


In music we have been exploring a composition by Malcom Abbs based on the poems, Cats by Eleanor Farjeon and Mice by Rose Fyleman.  Here we are practising a musical accompaniment to it.

How Does Your Garden Grow?

As part of our life cycles work we are growing new plants from old.  We have planted some potatoes and onions and hopefully will be able to watch them grow.

Anyone for Tennis?

We are busy working on our tennis skills at the moment.  We have learnt it requires a lot of hand/eye co-ordination and a lot of practise to get the ball to get the ball to where you want it to go.


As part of our PE we are experiencing the sport of Judo.  JudoKnight is teaching us various Judo moves as well as the history behind the sport - did you know that Judo means the gentle way?

Spring Reading Passport Awards

Each term Year 5 are set 10 reading challenges to complete.  Here are this terms Bronze, Silver and Gold achievers.

Tote Bags

In art and design we have investigated applique techniques to create our own tote bags that promote Fairtrade.  We managed to create some quite effective designs.  Which would you choose?

Life Cycles

In science we have been learning about the life cycles of plants and animals.  We have enjoyed incubating eggs and watching how quickly chicks grow up as well as how caterpillars complete metamorphoses to turn into butterflies.


In PE we have been learning various netball skills and putting them into practise with small sided netball games.  We can't wait to test them in some inter-school competitions.

Mystery at Magpie Manor


In PE we have enjoyed learning about orienteering.  We have enjoyed making and reading maps both indoors and out.  We hope we can do some more again soon.

World Book Day

Year 5 really enjoyed dressing up for World Book Day, there were some brilliant costumes!

Poetry By Heart

Each half term one of our reading activities is poetry practise. In our groups we learn a poem off by heart ready to perform to our friends.  Here's what we learnt last term.

Roald Dahl Group

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Jaqueline Wilson Group

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Dick King-Smith Group

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Allan Ahlberg Group

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Anne Fine Group

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Victorian Egremont

We have been busy researching where houses were built in Victorian times and what features those houses were likely to have.  We then went for a walk to investigate these features and collected evidence in a Poplet on our ipads.

Safer Internet Day

On the 7th February we celebrated "Safer Internet Day" by thinking about photo's.  We thought about different ways we can send images and how many people are exposed to them.  We then explored what clues photo's we post give about us before the discussing the need for permission before posting.  

Measuring Mass in Maths

In maths we have been converting g to kg and back again as well as reading scales.  We measured a cup full of  a carbohydrate to find out which carbohydrate had a greater mass.  Do you think it was potato, rice, cous cous, pasta or flour?

Chinese New Year

On Wednesday 25th January we spent the day learning about the Chinese New Year and the traditions associated with it.  Mrs Glover shared the story of the animals, which determines what year is being celebrated and taught us how the festival follows the lunar calendar which is why the celebration occurs on a different date each year.,   We then went to the hall for a Chinese dance workshop, we all learnt a different aspect; dragon dance, umbrella dance or fan dance then performed it all together.  The afternoon was spent counting to 10 in Mandarin, learning the calligraphy for the numbers to 10, making a money envelope and completing the chopstick challenge.

Chinese New Year Dance

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Counting to 10 in Mandarin

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The Workhouse


As part of our literacy and history work we stepped back in time and tried to recreate the workhouse for a lesson.  We had lessons on god and handwriting, ate gruel and tried our hand at rope teasing.  We were soon glad to be back in 2017 as we learnt conditions back then were; grim, dark, brutal, repulsive, painful, exhausting, abusive, cruel and we were only there an hour!  

The Records Office

On Friday 20th January Mrs Norton and Miss Moore from Whitehaven Archive Office visited us to teach us more about Whitehaven and its filthy Victorian past.  We learnt that the living conditions were really appalling with pigs living in cellars and up to 9 people living in one small room with  only one bed, no running water or toilet facilities.  Robert Rawlinson, an engineer, visited Whitehaven and created a report on how to improve Whitehaven.  His suggestions included piping water from Ennerdale.  We couldn't begin to imagine how smelly it was.

Party Day

Party Day was lots of fun.  We had Studi-doo, party games, pass the parcel with dares, Pie face, mannequin challenge and disco to entertain us.

Manequin CHallenge.mp4

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Christmas Design and Technology Day


Did you know Santa delivers to over 90million homes on Christmas Eve and that number keeps getting bigger?


To help speed up his delivery time we were asked to design and make a parachute and carrier to deliver presents safely.  We were given the following range of materials to choose from; cereal box, 6 paper straws, 6 plastic straws, tissue paper, sugar paper, A4 card, A4 paper, 4 large cocktail sticks, netting, 2 paper clips, 4 butterfly fastners.


Here's what we managed to create.  We don't think he'll be using our designs as most presents dropped to the floor rather than floated but we had good fun creating them and only used 9 rolls of masking tape!