Some games may require flash player and may not be compatible for tablets.
Maths: Hit the Button This game has lots of options to practise number bonds to 10, 20, addition and subtraction, doubling and halving between 10 and 20 as well as 2, 5 and 10 times table and division facts (challenge yourself to learning 3 x table!).
Maths: Cross the Swamp In this game you must use your addition and subtraction or multiplication and division skills to cross the swap. Select the option you feel most confident with.
Maths: Toy Shop This game involves counting money and giving the correct change to items in the toy shop. Select the option ‘mixed coins’ then in the ‘exact coins’ column select ‘up to £1’. For a bigger try the ‘give change’ and click either ‘up to 20p’ or ‘up to £1’.
Maths: Daily 10 Daily 10 is a fantastic resource which covers a range of maths skills including addition, subtraction, missing number sentences and lots more! This website often used in class, therefore children are familiar with how to play. Select the ‘Level 2’ option before selecting an area of maths you want to focus on. This could be made into a competition with brothers, sisters or parents as the questions can be timed.
Maths: Coconut Ordering This game involves ordering numbers, prices, lengths, masses and capacities from smallest to largest. Select either 'up to 20' 'up to 100 in tens' or 'up to 100'.
English: Grammar Games There are lots of brilliant games to practise grammar including Adjective Adventure, Comma Chameleon, Verbs in Space and Adverb Action.