On Monday 15th June, Year 5 had a visit from Fran of S.T.E.M. Cumbria. We found out that S.T.E.M. stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. Our mission was to design and make a rocket to launch at the end of the morning. We began with a sheet of A4 paper and a drinking straw and made a prototype, which we then tested. We found a few flaws, such as escaping air, weight or lack of aerodynamics. We remade them addressing these flaws and the majority flew better. We then made a larger rocket from card and attached fins for stability. The children then fired them using compressed air and a bike pump. We timed how long they were in the air for. We had a very fun morning and learned about Newton's 3rd Law of Force: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, thrust, resistance, drag and aerodynamics.