Following advice from the government, all schools are required to deliver a new and compulsory “Relationships Education” curriculum as part of their Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE) program from Summer 2021.
At Bookwell we use the JIGSAW PSHE curriculum to help us deliver these aims. We have used this for the last 3 years across the school and trained staff to ensure high quality learning is achieved.
All schools are required to consult with parents with regards to these changes. In order to do this, I invite you to read our new, draft “Personal, Social, Health Education Policy which includes the Relationships and Health Education statement.
In order for you to give us your feedback regarding these proposed changes, please read the documents on this page and email any comments or questions to the school.
I would also recommend that parents visit the webpage below from the Department for Education that explains a little more about the changes and provides some answers to some frequently asked questions.