Welcome to Year 4
Mental Health Day
Today we looked at ways we could keep our brains healthy and positive. We explored movement, brain gym and took a line for a walk! Year 4 came up with some great ideas about how to look after themselves and keep their minds healthy.
Year 4 have enjoyed using collage to build up a textured surface to paint on. They have mixed colours and overpainted areas to add detail and interest. Their concentration and skill was impressive and they were very organised with their resources. Well done Year 4.
Food Technology, Jennifer Carver Competition
During Jennifer Carver week year 4 evaluated flapjacks before adapting the recipe with extra ingredients. We taste tested and then changed the quantities to make our own flapjacks. We made 3 different types and then evaluated them against our first evaluation. Apple flapjack was the class favourite, we looked at the texture, taste, smell and appearance. All pupils used their chopping and slicing skills.
Multiplication Games
Year 4 have challenged each other by playing multiplication games. They worked well together, although I’m sure I saw a bit of cheating going on!
Religious Education
We looked at the story of Buddha. Starting with him being born as a Prince, year 4 used drama to explore and sequence the important parts of his life.
Physical Education
After an energetic warm up year 4 focused on a range of movements to create a Viking dance.
Year 4 looked at African Kente cloth before using the patterns as inspiration for their own painting and weaving.
Year 4 identified which teeth are used when eating thought about how food travels around the mouth.

Assembly preparations; pretending to be Vikings!
We all enjoyed a visit from BBE Brass and our local brass group. Year 4 had the opportunity to play a range of instruments and listen to some wonderful music.
Religious Education
While studying the Judaism year 4 enjoyed a visit from Simon who explained how he followed his religion. We also looked carefully at the Seder plate and tasted some of the food.
Geometry and measuring angles.
World Book Day
Year 4 celebrated world book day by dressing as characters from Beatrix Potter books and enjoyed a range of activities included shared reading with year 2.
Year 4 perfected a French rap and revised French vocabulary for the weather.
We looked at the size of the small intestines, made measuring tapes and compared its length around the school.
Forest School
Thank you to Mrs Fawcett and Mrs Scapelhorn for planning a wonderful range of learning opportunities that link with our work in class.
Arts Week
In year 4 we looked at the illustrators who created the art work in the Terra Carta book.
We used the images as inspiration for our own art work using pencil, pastel, metallics and coloured cellophane.