Currently, primary schools are receiving a Sports Premium to enable PE and sports to be developed. Like the Pupil Premium, information about how this funding is spent must be publicised to the school community and it must be spent on coaching, teaching or training.
Bookwell's Sports Premium payment is £16,000 plus £10 per pupil.
We are using the funding in these main areas:
We are funding specialist coaches to work with our teaching staff during curriculum time. This means that our pupils will receive high quality coaching in areas such as gym, dance, athletics, and games. This approach will also help us to build the capacity and skills of our teaching staff so that we can ensure there is a long-lasting legacy after the Sports Premium funding has ended.
- Develop our inter school sports provision, providing more intra and inter school sport competitions and also allow our pupils to improve their fitness, improve their competency but also allow them to ENJOY sport.
- Develop the use of the outdoor and woodland classroom in order to make children more active and help develop a growth mindset which will improve attainment across all areas of the curriculum.
- Enhance the variety of sports we offer
- Develop strong links with community clubs
In the academic year 2023-24 we were allocated £18,080. An overview of how this was spent and the resulting impact is detailed in the report below.