Puppet Visit
Bookwell had a visit from the NISCU puppets on Tuesday. It was all about an Easter surprise who we discovered was Jesus. Some of the class even got to help out with the puppets. We really enjoyed watching and learning about what happened to Jesus at Easter.
Science Homework
Our Science homework was to create a poster using what we learned about magnets during our science topic. We were allowed to do this whatever way we wanted and the results were fantastic! All our posters were absolutely super and Mrs McEwan was very proud of all the effort we put in!
Class Dojo Treat
Here we are watching a film and eating some popcorn for our Dojo treat. We smashed our class points target so we got to choose what we wanted to do. Relaxing with a snack and a movie was the perfect choice.
Year 3 Assembly
We all performed superbly in our assembly today! Everyone was loud, clear and confident when speaking so even our Grannies and Grandads at the back of the hall managed to hear all about earthquakes at the ‘Bookwell Earthquake Conference’. Plus we’re thinking about entering Britain’s Got Talent after our singing and dancing went down a storm. Keep an eye out for us!
Christmas Party Day Fun
Brass Christmas Concert
We got the chance to showcase our fantastic musical skills to KS2 and our parents by performing some songs in the hall. Jingle Bells was the song most people enjoyed the most. We showed how we could read music notes, produce a sound from our instruments and keep in time. We really were super!

Dick Winter Memorial Design and Technology Day
Christmas gift boxes were what we were producing today. Our design brief was to plan, make and evaluate a box for a small Christmas gift. We explored and planned our gift boxes the previous afternoon and had our ideas ready to make this morning. Firstly, we had to create our own nets using shapes which was quite difficult. Then we had to decorate our boxes from our plan. We used tissue paper, sequins, pens, pencils and card.
Map Skills
In Geography, we are studying earthquakes. We have focused on earthquakes in New Zealand so far. On Tuesday, we put our map skills to good use and, in pairs, located where all the earthquakes in New Zealand have taken place in the last 200 years that were over 6 on the Richter scale. We then created a colour coded key that identified what the magnitude of the earthquake was and used this to colour in the epicentre of the earthquake. Working with others was a big part of this task and Amaia and Theo got a dojo point for super partner work. Well done!
Jennifer Carver Day
Today was our annual cookery competition and this year Hallowe’en was the theme. Year 3 made some “Spine-Tingling Spider Cakes” - in spite of Mrs McEwan’s and Mr P’s aversion to the eight-legged critters! The children had to carefully weigh each ingredient and then worked in teams to complete the task. They were so excited to taste the final product. Head over to the video resource centre and see the fun for yourselves!
Stone Age Diet
One of the things our class wanted to learn about during our Stone Age topic was what people in the Stone Age ate. Luckily, Mrs McEwan managed to locate some Stone Age poo and when we came in from break, there was lots all over our desks. We were astounded and some of us felt slightly unwell. In groups, we got some tweezers and magnifying glasses and began to investigate what was in the waste. We discovered corn, leaves, barley, fish bones and fruit. It smelled of meat so we assumed they must have ate some of that too. Our hands were filthy by the end!
Diva lamps are a big part of Divali which is a Sikh celebration. It means ‘Festival of Lights’. We heard the story of Rama and Sita and how people lit Diva lamps to show them the way home. We made our own Diva lamps using air drying clay. We used clay tools to create patterns and designs on our lamps. When they are dry, we will use paint to make them colourful.
Today, the class studied 3 different soil samples taken from the school grounds. They had to compare them and note any differences in appearance, texture and moisture. The children learnt that soil is made up of organic material, rocks, clay and sand. They also discovered quite a few creepy crawlies too!
What rocks erode the easiest?
Our science investigation this week was to find out if some rocks erode easier than others. In our groups, we filled out our investigation plan which included our variables and predictions. We then carried out our investigation using rocks, a plastic tub, paper towels and a stopwatch. When we evaluated our results, we found that sandstone had created the most rock dust and, therefore, was the rock that eroded the easiest out of our selection.
Golf at Seascale Golf Club
We went to Seascale Golf Club and met Bev New who is a golf coach. She coaches the juniors at the club and was going to give us a taste of how to play golf. We got to have a go at driving, chipping and putting. One of the challenges was to chip the ball into a bucket a good few metres away. We had a fantastic time and would like to thank Bev for inviting us along. We may have some future Rory McIlroys in the class.
We were inking up paint slabs and experimenting using rollers today. There were lots of different ways to use the roller to print on the paper. One of our favourites was using the side of the roller.