After working really hard completing their optional SATs, Year 3 spent one morning studying a poem - The Three-Headed Dog by Clare Bevan. This poem is written for three voices and each voive is one of the heads of Cerberus, the mythical three-headed dog who guards the entrance to Hades.
We started by warming up by stretching and shaking our bodies. Then we focused on our faces and mouth by howling and growling, and chewing gristle and gnawing rabbit bones.
We listened to two recordings of the poem and discussed what one we thought was best before going into groups and reading over the poem in various ways. Each child took the part of one of the heads and tried out different voices until they found the one that was perfect before rehearsing the poem.
20 minutes later each group was ready to perform to the class. We all did very well. Mrs McEwan even videoed our performances so we could watch them later. Then we had a brainwave, we could perorm it as a class! So we split ourselves into groups for each of the heads and tried it out and it worked! Mrs McEwan took another video to allow us to watch ourselves and although some of us were embarrassed, we agreed we did really well. You can watch the video above (it was a little bit windy that day). Do you think we performed the poem well?