A place to catch up on all Bookwell's sports news.
Virtual Sports Day
Find out what to do below and then watch the video to show you a brief demonstration of how each challenge works. You can enter 1 challenge or all 5 challenges it is up to you. Have fun!
Virtual Sports Day Challenges.

We are preparing for the 2020 Olympics by taking part in the Travel To Tokyo challenge which aims to get children and their families active and hopefully try something new. We would like you to register and find our school https://www.getset.co.uk/travel-tokyo/find-your-school then log any activity your child does for at least 10 mins e.g. walk to school, swimming lessons, dog walk, bike ride, a trip to the park. Your child's class will have their own team name (see below) and at the end of June we will be adding up the totals and the winning team will get a trip to Sheepmount stadium at Carlisle to celebrate. We will also be logging any activity we do in school to add to our teams total.
Reception - Healthy Horses
Year 1 - Great Lions
Year 2 - Fast Cheetahs
Year 3 - Party Pandas
Year 4 - Jazzy Jaguars
Year 5 - Flying Falcons
Year 6 - 1, 2 Kobe Crew
2teams entered the key steps 2 & 3 competition at St Bees school on the 2nd March. All terms performed well and enjoyed the competition. We came 1st at Key Steps 3 and 2nd in the Key Steps 2 competition. Amazing results.
Key Steps 1 Gym Competition
2 teams enjoyed taking part in the West Lakes Academy cluster gymnastics competition. The children wore their smiles and did their best forward rolls, jumps and balances and came a well earned 3rd place. Well done Bookwell.
Multi-sports Festival
The children from the junior classes enjoyed attending a multi-sports event at St Bees where they got to try out a variety of sports like tri-golf, dodgeball and curling. It was great fun.
On the 11/11/19 the junior children went to St Bees to take part in Cross country. Unfortunately due to the weather it was cancelled so we went indoors and took part in athletics. The children really enjoyed it.
Wheelchair Basketball
Nat Pattinson visited us again to see if we had remembered the skills he taught us last year and to teach us more. He really is an inspirational athlete who has shown determination and resilience to compete at the level he does. Lots of children are adding a wheelchair to their Christmas list this year.
Year 5 & 6 Netball
Year 5 and 6 had an opportunity to attend a coaching session followed by a netball tournament. Despite the cold wet day we had lots of fun and improved our skills.
Year 3 Golf Taster
On the 17th September year 3 visited Seascale Golf Club and got to try out golf with their coach Bev New on a real course. Charlie said " I enjoyed taking part in the chipping, putting and driving. It was excellent! Now I go to the sessions on a Saturday." If you would like to find out more contact the club, they are always looking for new juniors to join them.
5 a-side Football
The school year kicked off with a football tournament at West Lakes Academy. It was a great afternoon with a year 5 and 6 team entered. Both teams played well and won a place in the final which ended up on nail biting penalty shootouts. To see the end result check out Mr Pickering's video at the video resource centre.
5 A side Football