Developing effective speaking and listening skills is an essential element of the English curriculum. It is our intent that these skills will be further developed, applied and fostered across the whole curriculum, as they are key for making social and educational progress. We strive for our pupils to learn the qualities of good speaking and listening. It is these skills that will underpin their learning in reading and writing and allow them to express opinions and ideas successfully. Being able to recognise and use accurate Standard English in speech is what we aim to develop in all pupils.
At Bookwell Primary, we aim for our pupils to:
- Be able to actively listen to their peers and the adults in school and formulate appropriate responses.
- Understand the rules of turn taking within exchanges.
- Have the confidence to speak audibly and fluently in front of their peers.
- Maintain appropriate speed, intonation and structure when presenting information orally.
- When speaking, use the correct register and form of Standard English appropriate to the situation.
- Build a rich vocabulary that they can both understand and utilise effectively.
The National Curriculum English Programme of Study sets out the statutory requirements for the speaking and listening curriculum. These are implemented across all areas of the curriculum. Within in English we use the 'Talk for Writing' approach which places a great emphasis on oracy and within all other subjects children are encouraged to build their knowledge of tier 2 and tier 3 vocabulary.
Children are given the chance to learn and develop these skills through:
- Group work (partners, small groups and larger groups)
- Discussions
- Presentations
- Drama work (role play, freeze frames, reading playscripts, thought tracking)
- Asking and answering questions
- Responding to things they have read or watched
- Explanations of their learning
- Participation in whole school/key stage performances: acting and narration
At Bookwell, we recognise that some children find the skills of speaking and listening more challenging than others do. This can be due to a variety of factors from medical conditions; special needs; environmental exposure. To help overcome these barriers we identify children in EYFS that would benefit from the Nuffield Early Language Intervention (NELI) programme. In addition to this we work closely with the speech and language team and other interventions throughout school such as BUG club and Time to Talk to develop the necessary skills to help them communicate effectively.
As children leave Bookwell Primary they are be able to articulate their thoughts and ideas in a clear and concise manner, using the appropriate grammar and vocabulary. They are attentive listeners who can respond to what they have heard in a constructive manner. Throughout their years in school, the pupils will learn how to use intonation, fluency and the appropriate register for the interaction or presentation. Pupils apply their skills in all lessons and elements of school life and beyond.
At Bookwell Primary, we monitor and measure the impact Speaking & Listening by:
Formative assessment of children’s skills and understanding
Capturing images and videos of the children’s development
Children's own self and peer assessment
Conducting ‘pupil voice’ where we interview the children about their learning.
Enrichment and Cultural Capital
We aim to constantly improve our enrichment and cultural capital offering in speaking and listening. Currently, the the subject is enhanced by the following:
- Class assemblies
- Key Stage production
- Visits and visitors - fire service, authors, local museum, careers talks, pet encounter
- Poetry workshops
- Play in a day
- Forest school
- Residentials
- Drama and role play
- Music assemblies