Welcome to Year 1!
Welcome to Year 1's class page. Please have a look at what we have been getting up to!
Today in class we started our 'Toys' topic. The children has a range of different toys on their table and they had to work together to answer a range of questions. Each group had a different toy on their table and they had to try and work out: what their toy was made from, how it worked, what it can do, how they could play with it and how it works. The children then had to write about their favourite toy, explaining what it can do and what it is made from.

This week the children have been practicing their counting skills and have been trying to count up to 20 objects reliably.
Lakeland Wildlife Animal Park
We had a fantastic time on our school trip yesterday, even though it was very wet! The children got to see lots of different animals and even seen an owl show. They also got the opportunity to stroke a turtle and a lizard and they held both a guinea pig and a snake. They were all very brave and had lots of fun!

The Rainbow Fish
Today the children were writing reasons for and against the Rainbow Fish giving away some of his shiny scales to some of the other fish in the ocean. Tomorrow they will be writing a character description all about him.

Forest School
Today the children have been working with Year 5 in our forest school. They were very lucky as Year 5 had designed a treasure hunt for them to complete and they had to collect different things. They had a lovely afternoon working with Year 5!

Sports Day
Today the children had lots of fun participating in our Sports Day. They all tried their very best and enjoyed themselves immensely! Well done to the Red team for winning the Infants sports and well done to the Green team for winning the junior sports.

Woodland Learning
We have been busy exploring the new woodland area at school. Onn our first trip we predicted what we might find there. Then we got to explore it for real. When we there we had a got at finding sticks and putting them in order of smallest to largest. Then back in the classroom we recorded all the things we found.
The Singing Mermaid
Today in class the children listening to 'The Singing Mermaid' story. Afterwards the children had to work in pairs and explain why they thought she should or shouldn't join the circus. The children has some fantastic opinions!
Summer 1 Reading Challenge Awards
Each half-term Year 1 are set reading challenges to complete at home. Here are this half-term's Bronze, Silver and Gold certificate winners.

Finding Podberries
Today in class we were reading, ‘Bob and the Moontree Mystery’. Afterwards we were shocked to find actual podberries in the school garden. The children had to decide whether or not we should open the eggs. They will be writing a recount of this discovery later on in the week.

Class Assembly
Well done to the children for doing so well in their class assembly!
Growing Plants
Today the children have been learning about germination and how plants grow. First the children got the chance to plant seeds and then we decided to see if the amount of sunlight a seed receives effects how much it grows. The children’s seed will be in the sunlight all day, Mrs Forrester’s seed will have 6 hours in the sunlight and Mr Corlett’s seed will get 3 hours in the sunlight. The children had to predict which seed would grow the most.

Neil Armstrong
Today the children have been learning about the life of Neil Armstrong and were also learning about the Moon landing. The children then worked in pairs to write questions to Neil Armstrong and then the children took part in a hot-seating activity.