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Year 5

β­οΈπŸ˜€ Year 5 πŸ˜€β­οΈ

Properties of Materials

Chinese Language Lesson

Today the children had a Chinese language lesson with a language teacher from St Bees School. They learnt how to make formal greetings and were linking Chinese symbols to their meaning. They also created a Chinese lantern. We were very grateful to St Bees School for providing this opportunity for the children. 

Dissolving Observation

Today the children were investigating which items would dissolve in water (to form a solution) and which items would not dissolve and therefore form a mixture. 

Dragon Eggs

We were extremely surprised to find some dragon eggs in the school forest area today. The children had to use modal verbs to explain why they thought they were there. Then they wrote down some questions that they would love to know the answer to. 

Formal Elements - Architecture

The children started this topic by interpreting forms from direct observation and then drawing images of a house. Afterwards they used a viewfinder to focus on a small part of their drawing, which they would then turn into a monoprint. 

Then, the children reimagined buildings in the style of Hundertwasser.

Comparing and Contrasting Materials

The children have been comparing and contrasting materials based on their properties. They had to determine which materials were: conductive, non-conductive, flexible, translucent, transparent and opaque. 

French Monster Pets

The children have been decoding a French text about the Komodo dragon by finding words that are similar to English words. They then had to write down some facts that they could learn from reading the text. 

French - Running Dictation



the children have been doing lots of different dance warm ups this half term. They have also been learning Bollywood dance moves and have created their own Bollywood dances. There are videos of this on Seesaw. 


Still image for this video

Observing and Making Predictions 

Today the children were making predictions about what would happen when they dropped raisins into some lemonade. They observed what happened and then had to try and explain the reason for it. They were amazed when the raisin rose, started floating and then sank repeatedly.

The Old Mill

Today the children have used a story map to learn the story of The Old Mill. They used actions to help them remember the story. 

🎨 Using watercolours 🎨

πŸ§ͺ Science πŸ§ͺ

The children have been very busy this half term and have taken part in lots of investigative tasks, made predictions and carried out careful observations. 

Predicting and Observing

Prediction - What will happen to the candy floss when you add water?

Which materials dissolve in water?

Sorting and grouping materials according to their properties

Carry out an investigation to investigate whether you can change the rate at which sugar dissolves.

πŸƒ‍♀️The High Jump πŸƒπŸΎ

πŸ“ Workhouse Records πŸ“

 πŸ€ Wheelchair Basketball πŸ€