Welcome to our Reception Class!
We are very busy creating, learning and investigating but most of all we are having lots of fun. Come and visit us and take a look...
"Play is the highest form of research" Albert Einstein
"Children learn as they play. Most importantly, in play children learn how to learn" O. Fred Donaldson
Picnic Lunch
Observational drawing
Library visit
The Litter Muncher
Sports Day 2018
The Royal Wedding
Beet bots workshop with Sim

Bee-Bot disco

Saint George’s Day
Tennis skills with our coach Dan
Rucksack of Rhymes by Dove Cottage
Julia Donaldson Themed Party Day
Reception Class Egg Dump
Celebrating Easter



Science Day
Outdoor Play
Our trip to the Library
World Book Day
Forest School Fun
Look at our beanstalks!
Ball skills in P.E
The Three Little Pigs

Beanstalk planting
Treasure Map Music
Treasure map music

Winter Woodland
Design and Technology Day
Santa express at Ravenglass



Christmas Lunch
Owl Hunt
We had a letter from Penelope the peacock asking if we could help her to find her friend Owlberta. We followed the clues and we managed to find her high up in a tree in our little wood. We brought her back into school and put her in our nice dark cave so she could have a rest.
Wow!Said the owl
Forest School
Outdoor Play
Library visit
Jennifer Carver Cooking Day
We have been playing lots of games with our coach Dan. We have been trying to move in different directions and in different ways. We have also been negotiating space this is very hard to do in Reception.

Musical composition
We have been making our own music in class this week. We picked an instrument and then we painted the sounds to help us play the music. We had great fun.

Snack shop
We have been busy baking for our friends.