Week 12 - 6th July
- Lesson 21 Task 1 Y1 MV 1 Mass vocab and comparing WS1.pdf
- Lesson 22 Task 1 Y1 MV 2 Mass WS2.pdf
- Brian Bear's Picnic.pdf
- Antarctic animals.pdf
- the_mystery_key_comic_ph5b_ey.pdf
- Circle the words.pdf
- Week 12 S & es.pdf
- One armed robot letters 1.pdf
- Antarctic Pictures.pdf
- t-tp-2549081-antarctic-animals-what-can-you-see-powerpoint-_ver_3.pptx
Week 11 - 29th June
- Year 1 Week 11 - 29th June Transition.pdf
- Ladder letters.pdf
- Lesson 19 Y1 PV U3 4 COUNTING Count to 100 in steps of 2 WS1.pdf
- Lesson 20 Task 1 Y1 PV U3 5 Count to 100 in steps of 2 5 and 10 CS1.pdf
- Lesson 20 Task 2 Y1 PV U3 5 Count to 100 in steps of 2 5 and 10 WS1.pdf
- magical-muddle-odd-and-even-numbers-activity-sheet-english.pdf
- Odds-and-Evens-Paper-Chains.pdf
- Phonics quiz Answer Sheet.pdf
- Phonics Quiz Questions.pdf
- Pirate patter.jpg
- Jake's first day wordsearch.pdf
- Message in a bottle.JPG
- My Pirate Passport.pdf
- Jake's first Day Comprehension.pdf
- Colour by numbers Subtraction to 20.pdf
- Jake's First Day Ahoy to my class.pdf
- tf-l-124b-jakes-first-day-ebook-pdf_ver_4.pdf
- Moving Class Rainbow.pdf
Week 10 - 22nd June
- Year 1 Week 10 - 22nd June.pdf
- Week 10 Task 1 Y1 PV U3 2 READ AND WRITE NOS CS1.pdf
- Week 10 Task 2 Y1 PV U3 2 READ AND WRITE NOS WS1.pdf
- Week 10 Lesson 18 Task 3 Y1 PV U3 3 READ AND WRITE NOS WS1.pdf
- Week 10 digit cards.png
- Week 10 Lesson 18 Y1 PV U3 3 READ AND WRITE NOS CS1.pdf
- Week 10 Fergus's Riddle.JPG
- Week 10 Solve the riddle.JPG
- Week 10 Fergus' story.JPG
Week 9 - 15th June
Week 7 - 1st June
Week 6
- Week 6 Y1 Calculation U5 9 Facts for 20 MORE PRACTICE WS1.pdf
- Week 6 Y1 Calculation U5 9 Facts for 20 MORE PRACTICE WS2.pdf
- Week 6 Y1 Calculation U5 10 Problems with facts for 20 L1 WS1.pdf
- Week 6 Pippety Poem.JPG
- Week 6 Pippety riddles.JPG
- Week 6 draw a giants pocket.JPG
- Week 6 Giants Pocket poem.JPG
- Week 6 Love where you live.png
- Week 6 Phoneme Spotter.JPG
- Year 1 Week 6 18th May.pdf
Home Learning
- Year 1 Week 4 4th May.pdf
- Week 4 BS.pdf
- Week 4 VE Day Information Sheet.pdf
- Year 1 Week 3 27th April.pdf
- Letter_to_parents_carers_about_online_phonics_lessons_1_ (1).pdf
- Week 3 Plant classification.JPG
- Year 1 Week 2 20th April.pdf
- Lockdown Poetry Competition[4401].jpg
- Year 1 Week 1 14th April.pdf
- Year 1 Home Learning Pack
Spring Term 2
Spring Term 1
Autumn Term 2nd Half
Traction Man Story Map
Autumn Term First Half
Phonics 1
Get your child to sound talk the word while looking at the graphemes (the letters that represent the sound)
Phonics 2
Say the word to your child and see if they can segment the sounds.