Home Learning
Trip to Strudda Bank Farm
Exploring Capacity
Story Maps
Colour Mixing
Party Day
Design Technology
Christmas Dinner
Shape, space and measures
Our visit to Egremont Library
Exploring Light Sources
Owl Babies
Jennifer Carver Cooking Day
Jennifer Carver Cooking Day
We have had a very busy baking day in class.
We listened to the story “Pumpkin soup” and we decided to have a go at making some pumpkin soup. We chopped lots of vegetables and added lots of other ingredients. We also made our own hedgehog bread to go with the soup.
All of the other classes made different things based around the theme of Autumn. At the end of the day we tried the soup and bread. Then we went into the hall to find out which class were the winners of the competition. Mr Hardy announced that the Reception children were the winners. Great work everyone.